Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Sailing Lesson/Toinen purjehdusoppitunti

The Captain had another lesson for our sailors: Capsizing. Which was a very important lesson, as later that day Mr. D took the boat out by himself, and to his mother's horror, capsized the sailboat. He was pretty far out, too. Too far for mama to swim to.

There was a lot of prayer from the dock. A lot. But before I ran to the kayak to head out there, the boat started to come up again, slowly. Thank you, Jesus!!!!!

I don't have that event on video (I was praying, instead), but here is another one from the lesson:


Kapteenin seuraava purjehdusoppitunti oli kuinka saada purjevene takaisin pystyyn, jos se on kaatunut veteen. Ja hyvä oppitunti olikin, sillä myöhemmin samana päivänä, kun Mr D meni yksin purjehtimaan, purjevene kaatui. Aika kaukana rannasta. Liian kaukana, että tämä mama voisi uida avuksi.

Hartaat olivat maakrapumaman rukoukset laiturilta. Ja ennen kuin lähdin kajakilla pojan luokse, purjevene alkoi hitaasti nousta. Kiitos, Jeesus!!!!

Sitä tapahtumaa en saanut videolle (rukoilin sen sijaan), mutta tässä kaksi videota oppitunnista. Ensin he kaatuvat, sitten nousevat takaisin ylös.


  1. HUh, huh.... KIITOS JEESUS!
    No, siina oli sitten kylla Pyhan Hengen ajoittama oppitunti. Kiitos Jeesus!

  2. Oh wow. This mama would've been flipping out! How awesome that your kids have the opportunity to learning sailing! So cool!

  3. How fun! ::laugh:: OK - I probably would've been nervous too! So, we're thinking of getting kayaks...But the money! Oh, my! The kids really want them...Christmas presents now? Boating on the lake can be so much fun though!

  4. WOW that would have been scary for this Momma too:) HOw cool you have your own lake and your kids can learn to sail. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Amen, äiti:)

    Mary Beth, it was scary!! But good to experience..

    Jessy, that is fantastic!! We wanted kayaks for years, too. So blessed that this camp came with two 2-person kayaks:)

    The Adventurer, I agree. Thanks for visiting!
