Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sharpie Tie Dye by Little Miss

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Little Miss is very artistic, just like her older sister Missy. She finds amazing art and craft projects to do, and pretty much has taken over planning and executing her own homeschool art lessons.

Recently she added a few colorful sharpies, a big bottle of rubbing alcohol, and a white shirt to my shopping list. I added blank bags (for Mei Mei's busy bags for our homeschool time), and a fun and colorful art project was ready to be executed!

From start to finish all done by my 9-year old! A few helpful tips:

- we used cardboard in between the shirt and inside the bags to keep the sharpies from bleeding
- we had a glass dropper for adding the rubbing alcohol to the drawn designs
- have the items dry fully before tossing into the dryer for about 15-20 minutes to set the color to the fabric to avoid a fire hazard...

This was a fun and easy project I'm sure we'll she'll do again soon!


Pikkuneiti on ahkera piirtämään ja askartelemaan. Yksi viime ajan projekteista oli valkoiseen paitaan ja pussukoihin piirtäminen permanent-tusseilla, ja sitten kuvion kasteleminen isopropyylialkoholilla. Kun kangas on täysin kuiva, värin saa asetettua kuivurissa noin 15-20 minuutissa. (Märkänä isopropyylialkoholilla kasteltu kangas voi syttyä tuleen kuivurissa.)

Kaunis ja värikäs projekti! Varmasti teemme hän tekee uudestaan pian!

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