Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Snapshot

Pictures from Saturday.

Missy was out enjoying Coco Keys Indoor Waterpark with a friend, the Captain ventured out snowmobiling with friends in frigid minus something Fahrenheit temperatures, but the rest of us stayed home. The boys had a friend over for a sleepover.

The boys made a new sledding hill off of our ice skating rink. Kind of hard to see in the pictures, but it's fairly steep! Wheeeeeee!!!!

We are convinced Little Miss thinks she is twelve, just like her big siblings. She hang out with the boys all day, and they were great to include her. So sweet!


Lauantaina Missy lähti ystävän kanssa hotellissa olevaan vesipuistoon, Kapteeni lähti ystävien kanssa moottorikelkkailemaan, ja minä jäin kotiin Pikkuneidin, poikien ja poikien ystävän kanssa. Pojat tekivät uuden pulkkamäen luisteluradan viereen, ja vaikka kuvista on vaikea nähdä, se on aika jyrkkä. Hurjaa menoa!! Pojat ihanasti ottivat Pikkuneidin leikkeihinsä, koko päivän. Me uskomme, että neiti uskoo olevansa 12 vuotta, aivan kuin isot sisarukset!

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Wow, lovely images!
    LOVE the light you were able to capture, along with those beautiful faces :)

  2. Thank you, Stefanie! And thanks for the Sunday Snapshot :)

  3. That is an awesome looking sledding hill!!

  4. Stephanie, our sledding hill is not long, but they get a fast ride & love it :) Btw, I really enjoy your blog! And based on your introduction post I discovered we are not very far from you (2-3 hrs South)! We like to come up to your neck of the woods as often as we can, love the area!!
