Saturday, March 3, 2012



The new snow here in Maine beckoned us to go out. Mr. A, Little Miss and I decided to get on our snowshoes yesterday. This was Little Miss' first time snowshoeing, and she did great on her big sister's snowshoes. Mr. A had outgrown his (which, of course, means all four big kids have outgrown theirs), but the Captain's snowshoes fit him just fine.


It was a beautiful day, not windy, so we first headed out on the lake. Mr. A wanted to check out the beaver dam area we had kayaked to last year.


Snowshoeing in deep snow is hard work, you need breaks here and there.
I may, or may not have, snacked on the snow myself, and if I had - it would have taken me straight back to my childhood in Finland.


The new snow made our world so beautiful - so incredibly white and pure it brought tears to my eyes. Next time I'll bring the camera, these were snapped with my iPhone (which does take nice pics, too). We three had such a special time together.


We made it to the dam area, explored a little, inspected deer tracks and other animal tracks (not sure what they were). The ice crackled a bit under our feet, so we decided to continue our snowshoeing inland.


There's a trail in the woods that end on our road, but we hadn't tried it yet. We followed the markings as far we could, but at one point we couldn't tell where the trail continued.


Our showshoe trek ended up being over an hour long - a lot longer than we had planned. We weren't lost, exactly, but once we finally got to the road we were all relieved, and ready to head home for lunch.


Such a fun, happy outing! Homeschool PE at its' finest (wink)!

Can anyone guess what was our dessert after lunch? If you've seen pictures on Facebook, don't guess:)

Sunday Snapshot

Homeschoolin Mama BLOGFEST


Eilen Mr. A, Pikkuneiti ja minä lähdimme lumikenkäilemään. Tämä oli Pikkuneidille ensimmäinen kerta, ja ihan ihmeellisen hyvin hän jaksoi tarpoa lumessa yli tunnin. Ensin kävelimme jäällä majavapadolle, jonne olimme meloneet kajakeilla viime vuonna. Sieltä suuntasimme metsään, jossa on reitti takaisin meidän tielle. Ehkä puoleen väliin reittiä kuljimme, sitten emme millään keksineet mihin suuntaan polku etenee, joten päätimme vain suunnata tielle päin. Emme olleet eksyksissä, mutta oli silti iso huojennus vihdoin päästä tielle - kaikilla oli jo kova nälkä. Ihana reissu (ja täydellinen kotikoulu-urheilutunti:)!

Osaako kukaan arvata mitä meillä oli jälkiruoaksi? Jos olet nähnyt kuvia Facebookissa, ei saa arvata:)


  1. How fun! The kids want to snowshoe! We've done it at the farm where we "borrow" shoes. Our Rec Center also has shoes to borrow now, so maybe I should nab some before this snow melts...and I hope that's SOON! Ha! Ha! :)

  2. Jessy, I tell you - you need to come up for a visit!! Wouldn't that be fun:) Snowshoeing, snowmobiling, sledding... Of course, we are still squeezed in this teeny cabin.. But you could come up for a day!

  3. Love your photos. I can't believe you took those with an iPhone. I'm always lugging my huge camera around. We hope to go snowshoeing soon here in Finland too! Your place in Maine(?) is gorgeous!

    Mary Karen

  4. Mary Karen, yes it is in Maine. Thank you! I love my iPhone & most pics are taken with it. I usually do quick adjustments on Picnik.

  5. Oh it is so beautiful! We have had the warmest, wierdest winter here in IN. What little snow we have gotten has melted the next day or even sooner. I've always loved the snow, but now I realized how much. I feel cheated this winter! LOL Thankfully, though, the heating bill hasn't been as high!

  6. Sharron, it has been mild here, also. The temps are not as cold as usual, and definitely less snow too. Weird! But it has been nice too, especially for our building project:)

  7. Beautiful iphone photos. Lovely fun homeschool p.e. Did you have snow ice cream? I don't think I am your facebook friend, I'll have to look you up. I am your pinterest friend though.

  8. I think your pictures look pretty great! Looks like you had a great day.

  9. Love snowshoeing. Great post!

  10. Thank you, Martha! Yes, that is what we had:) I have a new post up.

    Thanks, funks! The iPhone does a nice job, too. It was probably our best winter day so far.. Loved it<3

    Thank you, Tanya!
