From my sister's house we started driving through Virginia and Delaware into Pennsylvania.We had two important stops to make: to dump our gray & black water, and to make a stop at a customer's office. So we stayed one night at an RV campground in Lancaster, and had an interesting detour in our 35+ foot RV to inner city of Wilkes-Barre.
I really find Pennsylvania to be a beautiful state. All that farmland, and even the cities have beautiful old buildings. Unfortunately I was coming down with a nasty summer cold, and couldn't really enjoy this part of our trip.
There is something I would not say no to, though, even with a cold. Any ideas what that could be???
Yup, chocolate. We had the opportunity to tour
Hershey Chocolate World, so I took ibuprofen, grabbed the camera, and called this a homeschool field trip to a chocolate factory.
To be honest, this tour was a huge disappointment. But, at least it was free, so we didn't feel like it was waste of money. Plus, the factory store had some great deals on chocolate, so this stop didn't end up being a total waste of our time {smile}.
I had toured the
Fazer chocolate (best chocolate in the world) factory in Finland, and I think my expectations were too high. At Fazer we actually walked through the factory, learning how chocolate was made, and could sample goodies along the tour. At Hershey, we sat in a moving ride, and listened to singing cows... The making of chocolate process was explained, but we all thought it was very poorly done (or maybe my fever was spiking again), as we got out and felt it the ride was over too fast, and we couldn't process the information that quickly. There was no one to ask questions from, either.
If you are at Hershey, Pennsylvania, you might want to go through the tour as it is free, but don't set your expectations very high. If anyone has been to the actual museum at a different location, I'd love to hear if that was worth while. The amusement park looked bigger than we expected, so we might want to return at some point to explore Hershey some more.
Yksi itärannikon asuntoautoreissumme pysäkeistä oli Pennsylvanian osavaltio. Ensin pysähdyimme leirintäalueelle yhdeksi yöksi, sillä meidän piti tyhjätä asuntoauton likavesisäiliöt. Toinen syy oli vierailu asiakkaan luona Wilkes-Barren kaupungissa. Minä olin kuumeessa ja kipeänä tämän osan reissustamme, mutta siitä huolimatta päätimme tehdä myös kolmannen pysäkin - Hersheyn suklaatehtaalle. Lääkkeiden avulla vaan kamera mukaan, ja kotikoululuokkaretkelle!
Pennsylvania on kaunis osavaltio, mutta Hersheyn suklaatehtaan kiertue oli pettymys. Ei vetänyt vertaa Fazerin vierailulle.. Onneksi oli sentään ilmainen kiertue, ja sen päässä oli luonnollisesti iso suklaapuoti, josta löytyi edullisia herkkuja. Hersheyn suklaa on tosin pahvia Fazeriin verrattuna, mutta toki se hädässä kelpaa, etenkin suklaalla kuorrutetut puolukat ja mustikat, nam:)
Muuten Hersheyn kaupungissa olisi kyllä ollut tekemistä ja katsomista, ensi kerralla valitsemme viisaammin!