Friday, November 9, 2012

In Florida/Floridassa


We have been staying at 'our' campground in St. Pete for a few days now. In a way, it is our Florida home base for us. When we come to Florida, we either rent a place or stay in the Mothership. This time we decided to stay in our motorhome, so we would have the flexibility to move around, and our time frame would remain open.


Living at this campground has its' benefits. We often get to park at a waterfront site, and this campground is absolutely gorgeous. Each site is nestled between palm trees and other greenery, giving more privacy than in a campground that is like a field, having every trailer and motorhome be right next to each other in full view of each other.


Since we are in Florida, we get to enjoy our meals outside on warm days, and there is enough seating at the picnic table for our whole family (our RV table seats only four). Cleaning up the crumbs is a breeze after eating outside ;-)


The kids enjoy the campground activities, too. There is room to play four square, you can walk to the
playground, and Little Miss is riding her scooter everywhere (thanks, Aunt C!!!). Homeschooling is easier while at the campground, than roadschooling on the road.


We are also close enough to our favorite places when we had rented a condo here. Yesterday the girls and I drove to our favorite beach, met some of our favorite friends, and stopped at our favorite ice cream shop. It was too cold to stay at the beach, but we loved visiting.


Hopefully we'll get some warmer days (or less windy days!) to come swim. I can't wait to see the sunset here, and walk on the sand to the pink hotel for some ice cream.


We really love being in Florida.


On this post I skipped the parts that are challenging when living at the campground, but I will try to take some snapshots of the daily grind too, and make a post about how to make our days run smoothly while living at the campground.

Two questions:

1) Are raccoons a pro or a con when you live at the campground?

2) Would you like to go vote for our blog here?

Thanks for visiting our blog!


Hups, tämä blogipostaus lähti kahdesti eteenpäin ennen kuin se oli oikeasti valmis. Tässä siis kuvia Floridassa asumisesta leirintäalueella. Tämä on yksi suosikkipaikoistamme. Tähän postaukseen en lisännyt niitä arjen hankaluuksia, miten suurperheen elämää pyöritetään täällä asuntoautossa, mutta yritän ottaa kuvia myös siitä tavallisesta elämästä, ja tehdä toisenkin postauksen. Mutta oikeasti tykkäämme todella paljon olla täällä, ja asuntoautoelämästämme!

Kiva kun tulit vierailemaan blogissamme, ja täällä voit käydä äänestämässä blogia:)


  1. Kiitos ihanista kuvista Floridasta!


  2. Vau, what fotos !!!!
    Ja täällä pitkiä huokauksia ... tuttu ranta! Voi teitä onnellisia, nauttikaa nyt jokainen, oikein henki, sielu ja kroppa!

  3. Kiitos, Olivia & Äiti!! On täällä vaan niin ihanaa!

  4. What pretty pictures! I Love Florida :) I was born and raised there myself and am looking forward to returning soon for the winter. Thanks for sharing!

    Keri - A Roadschooling mom of 2 lil explorers

  5. Thank you, Keri! Welcome back!! We'll be wintering up North, although I have to confess: I never want to leave Florida when we are here. Love it<3
