One weekend in January we had our Maine cousins come over to our camp.

The timing was perfect: we had just said goodbyes to Mr. T, and were coming back from taking him to the airport.

It was just what this mama needed.

Instead of *only* four children

There was a lot of laughter.

A lot of fun.

And a snowman named "Mr. T".
(Yes, Mr. T - you were missed. And still are..)
Sinä viikonloppuna, kun palasimme takaisin Mr. T:n lentokenttäreissulta, mukanamme tuli Mainen serkut pohjoiseen. Ajoitus oli loistava: sen sijaan, että ikävä olisi täysin meitä kaikkia vaivannut, talo olikin täynnä naurua ja hauskuutta seitsemän lapsen kanssa. Toki Mr. T:tä oli ikävä, ja edelleen on. Meillä oli oikein kiva serkkuviikonloppu!
Aren't cousins wonderful?! Even though Cameron was gone for Kate's birthday, we had a family party anyway. Seven kids, my two sisters and parents was just what I needed to keep from moping around!
ReplyDeleteSounds perfect, Sharron<3 I really think if it wasn't for the cousins visiting I probably would have been a blubbering mess:)