Homeschooling rocks!! Have I ever mentioned that before? If not, here it is. Because it truly is so.
Even though we have four 8th graders, they can each have totally individualized school plans, pursue their own interests, have their own daily schedule, and advance at their own pace. Especially with our online homeschool curriculum AOP Monarch.
Mr. T has been working very hard this school year. So hard, that by Christmas he was probably 90 % done with 8th grade, and that included two electives as well. It was time to start thinking about what he should do this spring semester.
We had three thoughts we were throwing around:
- start 9th grade
- pursue other interests like movie making
- go overseas for a few months
As we started looking into various options, and prayed for wisdom, things started to fall into place. Fast. Mr. T would fly to Finland, live with his grandparents, finish 8th grade homeschool, start 9th grade schoolwork, and take Finnish language classes, for three months. His Finnish class would qualify as half of his high school foreign language requirements! Pretty rad.
We only had a week or so to get everything ready. What a whirlwind!! As hard as it was, every step of the way God met us, confirming my heart this was His plan, helping me leave my fears in His hands. As Mr. T was super excited, momma kept going between excited for his fantastic opportunity, to grieving his absence... It all was happening so fast!!! But in all, there was a quiet reassurance we were within God's will for Mr. T's life.
Next, a post on how Mr. T made it to Finland.
Kotikoulu on ollut meidän perheelle mahtava kokemus. Olemme pystyneet matkustamaan koko perheen voimin, ja nyt Mr. T on Suomessa! Hän sai jouluun mennessä tehtyä melkein kaikki 8. luokan kotikoululuokat, joten aloimme miettimään mitä kevätlukukaudelle. Palaset loksahtivat paikoilleen, ja niin poika lensi Suomeen isovanhemmille seuraaviksi kolmeksi kuukaudeksi. Hän tekee kotikouluna 8. luokan loppuun, aloittaa 9. luokan, ja käy suomenkielen tunneilla myös. Ja nämä suomenkielen tunnit täyttävät puolet Usan lukion (joka siis alkaa jo 9. luokalla) vieraan kielen vaatimuksista!! Mahtava kokemus pojalle, tosin äidille ollut aika vaikeaa... Seuraavassa postauksessa matkakertomusta.
WOW! that is remarkable... & exciting!
ReplyDeletehope he has a wonderful time in Finland... & that you daily are filled with Dad's peace.
Lucky boy! We miss Finland so much! Especially now because we have NO snow in Chicago. Good luck to your son and to you!
ReplyDeleteEhdottomasti kotikoulun etuja! Minua jäi mietityttämään nuo kotikoulun kieliopinnot. Teillähän suomi on toinen kotikieli, mutta jos olisitte kokonaan englanninkielinen perhe, kuinka lapset voivat opiskella kotikoulussa vierasta kieltä? Varsinkin, jos kumpikaan vanhemmista ei osaisi opeteltavaa kieltä? Kuinka voi opetella oikean ääntämisen? Joka tapauksessa aika lyhyt on vieraan kielen oppivaatimus, vain kuusi kuukautta.
ReplyDeleteOnnea matkaan Mr T:lle! On varmasti hieno kokemus.
Oh what a wonderful opportunity for him! And wonderful to hear of Gods reassurances to you! so much peace and prayers for your mama's heart today!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful opportunity for him! (How're you doing? I know I'm going to be missing my oldest if he heads off to a new science and math high school next year...and I'll see him every late afternoon! LOL)
ReplyDeleteThank you, jdavis2 - definitely have the peace. It has been amazing...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Five in Finland!! I miss Finland so much, too. Realized recently it has been over three years since I've been:(
Perheenäiti, täällä on eri mahdollisuuksia kielen opiskeluun kotikoulun parissa. Voi mennä paikalliseen kouluun, tai käyttää ohjelmia kuten Rosetta Stone. Mutta joo, lyhyet ovat vaatimukset, 50 h riitti yhdelle vuodelle:) Kätsyä, kun on englanti kotikieli...!
I agree, Tina. Thank you for your prayers!!
Jessy, I miss him sooooooo much!!!