Monday, September 16, 2013

My Finland/Minun Suomeni {mökki}


I am slowly starting to go through my photos from Finland. As I get a few done, my plan is to post them here. I will start with a place near and dear to my heart.

Finland3 finland

My parents' summer camp in the middle of western Finland.


This is an important place from my childhood. My family moved around a lot, but one thing was constant: we always spent our summers at the cabin on the lake. Best childhood memories come from this place.


Little Miss made some memories of her own. She loved our bike rides to pick up mail.


Mail gets delivered here Monday through Friday, but there is no pick-up, no red flags on mailboxes so you can send your outgoing letters out.


I think only one mailbox here is a year round resident, the rest are for summer folks.

I don't actually remember the summer mail from my childhood, but one of my fondest memories are waiting for the grocery bus to stop by. Yes, in Finnish "kauppa-auto", it was filled with candy, ice cream, and the basic groceries, too. There was a certain time it would arrive to our 'stop', and us kids were all ready with our change.


For Little Miss, the favorite part of our trip to Finland this summer, was this hot tub my sister and brother-in-law had installed. Filled with lake water and heated by wood, it was a huge hit.

If my brother-in-law happen to see this blog, this photo is purely photoshopped. Really.

Look how quietly we enjoyed it. Every time. Really.



Pikkuneiti ja minä vietimme melkein kaksi viikkoa Suomessa tänä kesänä vanhempieni kesämökillä. Se on yksi rakkaimmista paikoista maailmassa. Pikkuhiljaa alan käymään valokuvia läpi, eli näitä on nyt sitten pikkuhiljaa tulossa blogiinkin.


  1. Oh LOVELY, Sennie!!!! What an amazing place to not only grow up but also share with your own children too! Blessings.

  2. I absolutely love your photos. They make me feel so nostalgic. Even though I didn't grow up in Finland, I feel as though I am home when we visit there:). The mailboxes on the barn are so colorful and so unique compared to ours. And the hot tub is great....very inventive and smart:). Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you, Nancy! Thanks for your help with the photos<3

    Char, I heard about your visit! So glad you are able to go. My mom said she loved meeting you.
