Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lake Fun/Järvihauskuttelua

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Little Miss looking out, keeping an eye on the lake. Is daddy coming, yet?

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and a spontaneous decision was made to rent a boat for a few hours to go enjoy the lake. (And one dramamine tablet taken.)

Little Miss was one of the first ones to try tubing, with two big brothers. Such fun!! Until a great wipe-out.

Little Miss decided to wrap herself in a towel to warm up, so Mr D and Mr A went back on the tube. Until a second wipe-out:)

Somehow the Captain and the boys talked Missy into tubing, too! She wasn't too sure about it, but managed to hang on without taking a swim.

Mr T got quite a wild ride!!! (Before he wiped out.)

"Look, Ma, no hands!" Splash. Wipe-out.

Our last lake activity was water-skiing. Mr A was first, and did fantastic!!

Mr D did great, also! When we were in New Hampshire, the boys got up early to do water-skiing at the camp.

"Mo-om, that's enough pictures...!"

What a great day at the lake.


Kauniina lauantaiaamuna spontaani päätös tuli tehtyä: vuokrataan vene muutamaksi tunniksi. Ja sen teimme. Kaikki halukkaat saivat kokeilla niin vesihiihtoa kuin renkaan/tuubin päällä 'lentelyä' (mikähän tämä laji olisi suomeksi?). Hauskaa oli, vaikka vesi oli kylmää, eikä ilma paljon lämpöisempää:)


  1. Donitsiksi kutsutaan. Ja kuten facessa kerroin, niin tämä mammakin kävi kyydissä eräänä hellepäivänä mökillä :-D


  2. Olivia, kiitos! Mutta mikä se verbi olisi? Täällä siis tubing.

    Jessy, so much fun!!!
