Saturday, September 27, 2014

Learn Math Fast System

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Earlier this year Little Miss (age 8) and I had an opportunity to take a look at Learn Math Fast System math curriculum.

It is a six book curriculum written by a homeschool mom. Learn Math Fast System is designed for anyone needing to learn or teach math, and especially for the struggling math student, the one behind, or special needs.

Or the gifted student. Learn Math Fast System is self directing, all answers and full solutions with work is shown.

You can take an online placement test to see where your student is. Click here.

Sample pages of work can be found here.

Little Miss and I started with the first book. The first book, Volume I, covers the basics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division before advancing to fractions. There are multiple lessons, worksheets and tests to make sure each concept is mastered before moving on. Volume I will teach how to add and subtract in your head - a skill anyone should know. Other topics included are: place value, greater/less than, rounding, long division, multiplying and dividing with decimal numbers, averages, and US measurement.

Here is information on what each Volume covers. In fact, Learn Math Fast System's website is chock full of great information, so make sure to visit.

You can purchase all six books, or buy them separately online. Use code MOTHERSHIP to get $5 off any order until 12/31/14 (If you are paying with PayPal, you can still get your discount, but will need to get in touch with the company, as the code doesn't work with PayPal). There is a 60 day money back guarantee, so no risk for you, if it doesn't end up being a good fit for your student(s).

We appreciate having an opportunity to review Learn Math Fast System - thank you! Our disclosure policy can be found here.

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