Saturday, December 13, 2014

Travel Pace Picks Up/Matka jatkuu... nopeammin!

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After Arizona our travel pace picked up quite a bit. It was 10/27, and we needed to be in Tampa, Florida, on 10/31. So we started heading East, and drove through most of New Mexico on Monday.

I think our only New Mexico stop was an oil change and dinner stop in Albuquerque. Plus pulling over to sleep for a few hours.

Teens were working hard on math, as on Tuesday we had our live geometry class with Mr. D Math. We pulled into Amarillo Barnes and Noble to catch our live class. I had been a bit worried about finding a wifi spot on Tuesdays, but for the most part we were able to attend the classes. Our teens were able to access and submit their work on the road on our mobile connection, but for the live class they really needed a good wifi connection.

After math we continued driving, and drove into Oklahoma.

No fun stops, no time to visit friends (boo), just pushed and pushed hard. We did get a lot of roadschooling done.

Another night sleeping on the road, blissfully unaware of the trouble that awaited us in the next state - Arkansas....

And as usual, to be continued... ;-)

PS. Don't forget to vote for our blog - thank you so much for your support!!!!!


Arizonan jälkeen matkatahti kiihtyi, meidän piti päästä Floridaan muutamassa päivässä...! Ajoimme New Mexicon läpi Teksasiin, pysähdyimme teinien matematiikan tunneille kirjakauppaan (oppitunnit netissä), ja ajoimme Oklahoman läpi miltei Arkansasiin. Paljon maileja, paljon koulua, ei aikaa pysähtyä ystävien luokse (pöh). Nukuimme tien varressa, tietämättä mitään seuraavan päivän ja seuraavan osavaltion vaikeuksista.. Mutta siitä lisää seuraavassa postauksessa:)

PS. Muistithan äänestää - kiitos tuestasi!!!


  1. Wow! Safe travels as always! And your photographs...stunning! =)

  2. Thank you, Bethany!! I hope all is well with you and yours <3
