Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 2014

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We didn't get Christmas cards done (it has been a few years now...), but managed to snap a family photo on Christmas.

We had slow cooker Finnish rice porridge for breakfast (the Captain got the almond!) on Christmas Eve, then decorated the tree.

Mr D read the Christmas story from Luke 2 this year, right before our Christmas Eve dinner.

It rained both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We still had ice, though.

Our girls {hearts}.

We loved our book gifts, and received a few practical gifts as well. And chocolate. The best gift of this Christmas was the yellow ducky (more on that later).

After opening presents the kids and Captain went to church. (I took more cold medicine and crashed.)

On the morning of Christmas Day we found a few more goodies in the stockings.

Ice hanging on... A little bit longer..

Christmas Day activities.. Building projects, games, books, movies.. Resting, a lot of resting (and hugging the tissue boxes and making cold medicine cocktails).

So, the duck. During our fall travels our boys started telling Little Miss that ducks say "moo", instead of "quack". Slowly they 'convinced' the Captain and Missy, too, but Little Miss stayed strong: ducks go "quack".

Well, wouldn't you know one of her Christmas presents was a duck from her siblings! It took a day for her to discover the duck says "moo" when you squeeze it:)

She wasn't all that happy about it at first, but she sure loves her duck "Quackers" - named before any mooing was discovered.

Thanks to the rain and warm temps, we ended up losing most of our ice. What else is a Finn to do?

I talked Mr A into a quick dip, too, and we both went in TWICE! Because once was just not shocking enough ;-)

I admit, it is crazy, since we don't have a sauna, yet.

We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas season, full of joy of celebrating our Savior's birth.

PS. Two more days to vote for our blog - we so appreciate your support - thank you!!!


Meillä oli hiljainen joulu. Tällä kertaa vain oma perhe koolla, ja kunto oli kurja flunssan takia. Mutta tuli se joulu ja joulun sanoma, ja päivät vietimme perinteisesti. Joulusaunaan emme päässeet, mutta lauantaina Mr A ja minä pulahdimme uimaan, kun meidän rannasta oli jäät sulaneet.

Joulun paras lahja oli Pikkuneidin ankka - joka sanoo "ammuu" rutistaessa. Sisarukset koko syksyn kertoivat pikkusiskolle, että ankat sanovat ammuu, mitä Pikkuneiti ei todellakaan uskonut. Niinpä he päättivät antaa siskolle lahjaksi ammuvan ankan:) Päivä kesti, ennen kuin Pikkuneiti huomasi ammumisen. Ensin vähän suututti, mutta pian alkoi tyttöä hymyilyttämään. Quackers-ankka onkin nyt kulkenut Pikkuneidin mukana joka paikkaan!
Toivottavasti teillä jokaisella on ollut siunattu Jeesuksen syntymäpäiväjuhla!

PS. Kaksi päivää aikaa vielä äänestää blogiamme - hurjasti kiitoksia tuestanne!!


  1. Ihania kuvia - jälleen! Olkoon vuosi 2015 Hyviä Ihania Asioita Täynnä! Vanha sanonta 'hyvä löytää hyvän luokse' tulkoon todeksi ensi vuonnakin Teidän kohdallanne.

  2. Beautiful pictures and beautiful family. I wonder if the swimming helped for the cold ? It has been a long time for me to do the winter swimming but not sure I would try without sauna ! :)

  3. Oh my...I have some Finn in me, but I can't say I've EVER felt like jumping in ice cold water! I must not have ENOUGH Finn - Ha! You're so brave!
    Your house is beautiful. Looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas, despite the colds. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  4. Kiitos, Jutta <3 Kaikkea hyvää sinulle ja omillesi uuteen vuoteen <3

    Thank you, Leena!! I really need to get a sauna for Maine...

    Heidi, some of us Finns are more looney than others ;-) Happy New Year!!
