Getting ready for Christmas.
Jouluun valmistautumista.

Christmas Eve - the day our family celebrates Christmas.
Jouluaatto - päivä jolloin meidän perheemme viettää joulua.

Christmas Day - day of playing, relaxing, fun and eating (eating too much!!)..
Joulupäivä - päivä täynnä leikkejä, lepoa, hauskanpitoa ja syömistä (liikaa syömistä!!)..
While our Christmas was very different from our usual Christmas celebrations, it was wonderful. It is sweet to realize it is not the beloved traditions that make Christmas Christmas, but rather the message: Christ, the Savior, is born.
At Christmas Eve service at our church we got to witness a friend give his life to Jesus - which, as one of our sons said after presents, was the best gift of this Christmas. Amen, yes, indeed! Thank you, Jesus!!! (If you'd like to listen to our Christmas Eve service online, please click here.)
I can't believe I'm writing this, but this Christmas in our motorhome, in Florida at a campground, may have been one of our most special Christmas' ever... One we will never forget, at least:)
Linking this post to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot.

Vaikka joulumme oli kovin erilainen normaalista joulustamme, se oli ihana. Oli upeaa huomata ettei se ole meidän rakkaat traditiomme, jotka tekevät joulusta joulun, vaan joulun sanoma: Vapahtajamme on syntynyt. Kirkkomme jouluaaton jumalanpalveluksessa ystävämme antoi elämänsä Jeesukselle, ja kuten yksi pojistamme sanoi lahjojen antamisen jälkeen, se oli tämän joulun paras lahja. Aamen! Kiitos, Jeesus!! (Kirkkomme jouluaaton jumiksen voi katsoa netistä täältä.)
Vaikea uskoa, että olen kirjoittamassa tämän, mutta tämä joulu asuntoautossamme, leirintäalueella Floridassa, saattoi olla yksi ihanistamme jouluista - tai ainakin yksi mitä emme tule unohtamaan:)
Came over from Sunday Snapshot - it looks like no matter how "non traditional" your Christmas was, you still had a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteSooooo neat! I sometimes wish we could be RVers too!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas friend! Looks like you had an amazing time celebrating the Savior!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful group of pictures! Sometimes the Christmas that we remember in the years to come are the ones where there was tremendous amounts of love falling on all of us!
ReplyDeleteSometimes the unusual Christmases make for the fondest memories. Great photos.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your pictures! What a lovely holiday, merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteWhat a neat way to spend the holidays! The best part is that you'll never forget this year : )
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kait! We had a wonderful time!
ReplyDeleteJessy, you should try it! Rent one:)
Gayly, it really was so special, especially with our friend's decision<3
Thank you, homeschoolchris. So true!
Monica, it really was so simple and wonderful, loved it<3
Thank you, Tina!!
Gillian, one of the best<3 Might really need to do that again:)