On Thursday we returned to Williamsburg, Virginia, this time with the Captain's parents and Grandmother. My sister and her three kids also met us at Colonial Williamsburg, but couldn't make it to Christmas Town this time (wisdom teeth surgery, eek!).
We really appreciated having a second day at both places, and were able to see and do things we missed the first time around. At Colonial Williamsburg we really enjoyed walking through the palace and wig shop, and at Busch Gardens Christmas Town our absolute favorite was the show Gloria. (Well, not sure if the boys enjoyed it as much as Alpengeist-roller coaster, but it was an excellent show retelling the Christmas story of Jesus' birth.)
The best part of Thursday, Friday & Saturday though, was spending time with Grandma, Grandpa & Nanny. They decided not to come to Florida with us, and by now must be back in Maine, so we really treasured our time with them in Virginia. Thank you for meeting us, we had a wonderful time!

Grandpa's pancakes were the best part of Saturday!
Meillä oli oikein mukava toka vierailu Virginian Williamsburgiin viime viikolla. Oli ihana viettää 2 -3 päivää Kapteenin vanhempien ja isoäidin kanssa ja näyttää heille Colonial Williamsburg ja Christmas Town. Molempiin paikkoihin tarvitsi ainakin kaksi päivää, että näki kaiken haluamansa, joten oli kiva mennä uudestaan niin ulkomuseoalueelle, kuin Joulukyläänkin. Kapteenin vanhemmat päättivätkin lähteä takaisin pohjoiseen, ja me lähdimme lauantaina ajamaan etelää kohti.
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