Saturday, September 22, 2012

After the Storm/Myrskyn jälkeen


The morning after the storm, our first thought was: "Do we still have a sailboat?" Well, yes, yes we did, but the sailboat had capsized overnight, and we had lost the centerboard, rudder and tiller. And one the kayaks had gone in the lake, but fortunately didn't get too far.


Mr. D and the Captain went in to do Operation Rescue. The water temp was 63 F. Brrr!!! Mr. D found rudder right away, and they pulled the kayak back on land. Getting the sailboat was another matter.

boat boat

One that required the camera girl (me) to chuck the camera aside (it was raining), and get in the water, too. After all, I had been swimming every morning for exercise anyway.

And it did take the three of us working together to bring the sailboat to shore, and then all boys helped us carry it to dry land (it was a bit waterlogged).

boat2 boat2

Mr. A got in the water after breakfast to work on getting the rope and the buoy out, too. He was able to get the rope, but Mr D and the Captain had to kayak out to get the buoy finally out. They kayaked out to the cove, and were able to find the centerboard and the tiller. Such a relief!

But all this means we are getting ready for winter. Boo.

Wait, that means snow! Yay:)


Our rescue operation did convince me it is time to start walking for exercise. Especially since swimming laps around the now-gone-buoy got challenging. And the water temp was 61 F the next morning.

But, being a Finn and all I decided I'd just do a quick morning dip every day until we leave for Florida or the lake ices over. Whichever happens first.

Did I ever mention we think we found a great name for our sailboat?

The Loony Finn



Myrskyn jälkeisenä aamuna piti ensimmäisenä tarkistaa onko meillä vielä purjevenettä. Oli onneksi, mutta se oli kaatunut, ja osia puuttui. Yksi kajakeistakin oli lähtenyt vesille, muttei päässyt kovin kauas, ennen kuin oli uponnut.

Eli Operaatio Pelastus pystyyn, ja loppujen lopuksi saimme niin purjeveneen, kadonneet osat, kajakin, kuin poijunkin maalle. Kesä on virallisesti ohi. Kuin myös minun puolen tunnin aamu-uinnit. Oikeasti liian kylmää. Mutta eihän sitä suomalaisena voi antaa periksi: eli aamupulahduksella aion jatkaa joka päivä kunnes lähdemme Floridaan tai jäät tulevat.

Niin, ja kerroinko vielä, löysimme purjeveneelle hyvän nimen: The Loony Finn, vapaasti suomennettuna Kaheli suomalainen:)


  1. Hyva. Kaikki loytyi.
    Loony Finn. Ajattelin ensin, etta tarkoittaa siita huutavaa kuikkaa !!!
    Huutava suomalainen kuikka :) !!!

  2. Jep, äiti, sitäkin:) Hullu huutava suomalainen kuikka-akka:)

  3. Every time I read a post about you swimming in cold water, I am AMAZED by you. :) I don't know how you do it.

  4. Meredith, I do it very quickly these days:)
