Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First Ballet Lesson/Ensimmäinen balettitunti

Little Miss had her very first ballet lesson yesterday.
Pikkuneidillä oli hänen ensimmäinen balettituntinsa eilen.

Looking at these pictures you might not guess the drama we had just endured.
Näitä kuvia katsellessa ei ehkä arvaa miten dramaattista meillä oli juuri ollut.

Ok, I think you can see it here: Little Miss DID NOT want to do ballet.
No tästä kuvasta sen näkee: Pikkuneiti ei tahtonut balettitunneille.

But mean mom made her try one class.
Mutta ilkeä äiti pakotti kokeilemaan yhden kerran.

And afterward? "Mom, I LOVED it!"
Ja tunnin jälkeen? "Äiti, rakastin balettia!"


  1. Hienoa! Hyvää jatkoa harrastuksen parissa! :)

    1. Kiitos, Nurkkalintu! Oi sitä iloa, mitä meiltä löytyi eilen<3

  2. I'm so glad she liked it! She sure is a cutie!

  3. OOOOOHH!! I know all about mean mama! ;) We can actually get it right sometimes though.

    1. Lol, Anna! I thought this was a possibility, but wasn't sure. Especially when I saw that sad face during the beginning of the class...

  4. Replies
    1. Marsha, I was so happy and relived she loved it! Had she not, it would have been a super short ballet career;)
