Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dead Sea Scrolls and MOS/Kuolleen meren kääröt museossa


The night before driving through Boston I decided to check the Museum of Science website to see what exhibits they had going on. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw they had a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit there right now!


The Captain had gone to Nantucket Island on a men's retreat, so the kids and I sat down to make a decision. A once in a life time opportunity of visiting the museum, but delaying our arrival at Grandma and Grandpa's house, or skipping the museum, but making it to our destination around lunch time (and maybe possibly going back to the museum at some point??).


We had mixed wishes, but everyone was ok about going to the museum. Our teens have been studying biblical worldview for the past few months, and I thought this tied in beautifully. What a fantastic field trip!

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We loved seeing all the artifacts, too. The exhibit wasn't just about the scrolls, it also taught about life in ancient times.


We thought the bathtub looked super comfy!!


The exhibit had one room where the scrolls were arranged in a circular display. The actual scroll pieces were low in the display with very dim light. Next to them, higher up, were enlarged copies of the scrolls, and the English translation. We saw parts of Psalms, Job, and other books.

I apologize for the horrid iPhone pictures. You were allowed to photograph at the exhibit, just not in the room where the scrolls were. Even though I was in the area where I could take photos, I felt awfully guilty for pointing my phone toward the forbidden room. Thus the blurry picture.


The price to see the scrolls was $32/person. We quickly calculated it made sense for our larger family to buy a membership to the museum, and then get the $8 member tickets. That meant we could wonder around the museum after seeing the exhibit. AND the museum has an amazing reciprocity program where we can visit many museums in our travels, and in Florida for free - or at discounted prices. Yay for more field trips!!!


Some of the time we toured the museum all together, at times independently. There is a lot to see and do.

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Besides the scrolls, most of our favorite part of the museum was the lighting show. Mr. D had seen it last year, but the rest of us hadn't. What a fun way to teach about electricity and lighting.

Check out this short video. Very cool!


This triceratops was neat to see because Little Miss and I have been reading Magic Tree House books together.

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The favorite part for Little Miss was the children's area, which is geared toward children under the age of eight. Mr. D took her around, and they had a great time exploring.

We had a wonderful day learning and exploring. And were so happy to arrive at Grandma and Grandpa's house that night, soooo tired!


Pohjoiseen matkustaessamme pysähdyimme Bostonin tiedemuseoon, koska siellä oli Kuolleen meren kääröjä esillä. Mahtava kokemus nähdä kääröt, ja muutenkin oppia elämästä siihen aikaan.

Ostimme museon jäsenyyden, joten kääröjen jälkeen kiertelimme ympäri museota. Salamanäytös oli huikea - katso video ylempää. Upea kokemus koko reissu!

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