Yesterday we packed up water bottles, snacks, extra socks, camera & rain jackets and all eight of us squeezed into the Suburban, and headed out. While some of us have been driving all over the county for baseball games, others had not left our compound in over a week. It was time to get out and explore!
After a rainy Saturday drive we arrived at Small's Falls, and were overwhelmed. Wow. What a pleasant surprise to find these falls - I guess we expected them to be... smaller :) We stood and watched the power of the water, mesmerized by God's incredible handiwork. Then followed the path up along the stream.
If we had one complaint - the hike was too short. We were tempted to start on another hike nearby, but decided the path and rocks were too slippery from the rain, and most of our crew had just sneakers on. There is no hospital nearby. Better be safe and head home.
With yesterday's (small:) hike, and Gone With The Wind-movie in the afternoon, the weekend was just about perfect. Today after church we tackled some projects on our to-do list, as our days here in Maine are almost done. On Tuesday we head South, first to New Hampshire, then off to Florida. We'll be back here in June!
I'm linking this post to Stefanie's Sunday Snapshot. Please take a moment to pray for Stefanie and her family. Last week they received devastating news that their little Esther has passed away in China. My heart aches for them, and for all the little ones urgently needing families to bring them home from orphanages.
The need is so great! Hear our prayers, oh God...
The need is so great! Hear our prayers, oh God...

Tänään meillä on ollut kirkon jälkeen projektipäivä (olemme lähdössä täältä Mainestä ylihuomenna, ja töitä riittää), mutta eilen ajoimme vesiputouksille kävelylle. Kävely oli vähän liian lyhyt, mutta ehkä parempi niin, koko ajan satoi vettä ja kallio ja kivet olivat märät ja liukkaat. Onneksi kukaan ei liukastunut! Pysäyttävän upeat näköalat olivat, ja meillä oli tosi kiva reissu.
Sunnuntaisin linkitän nämä postaukset Stefanien Sunday Snapshot-blogilinkkiin. Nyt pyytäisin rukousta Stefanien perheen puolesta, he saivat kuulla tällä viikolla surullisia uutisia: pieni Esther, joka heitä vielä odotti Kiinassa lastenkodissa, oli nukkunut ikiuneen, ennen kuin hänen adoptioperheensä pääsi häntä hakemaan kotiin. Sydämeeni sattuu heidän puolesta, mutta myös kaikkien orpolasten puolesta, jotka epätoivoisesti tarvitsisivat omaa perhettä ja kotia.
Herra kuule rukouksemme...
Herra kuule rukouksemme...
You were closer to us! I went to college in Farmington and we visited there a few times each year! (We're about 2 hours or so further on now.) How fun! Memories! LOL
Very cool, Jessy!! Farmington is very pretty (and has Wal-Mart too, lol) :)
ReplyDeletewow. very awesome!!
ReplyDeletepraying for the sweet family~
mountain mama, it was awesome! We hope to return in the summer with our bathing suits :)
ReplyDeleteAnd love seeing God's people pray...
Miten kaunis paikka! Aivan ihana!
Suloinen Esther...toivon hanen perheelleen voimia.
Kaiken tuon pakkasitte mukaan, ja silti sinä olit ainoa, jolla oli reppu selässä! Eli sinä kannoit kaikki ne tavarat??? :-O
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful. It is only two hours away from our Freeport home. I have added to my list of road trip.. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting it. Have a great week.
Susa, oli kyllä ihana löytö!! Tuonne uudestaan :)
ReplyDeleteJep, Kaarina :) Tosin osa kamoista jäi autoon, mutta mulle jäi toi reppu. Kapteeni tarjoutui ottamaan kameran :-o
Kelly & Allison, if you drive up, let me know!! We could meet you there :) Same to you too, Jessy!! We occasionally come to Freeport to meet kids' friends there or visit family in Yarmouth.
Looks like a beautiful place and sounds like your family has lots of adventures ahead in the next few weeks!
ReplyDeleteWow! That looks like a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteSuch sad news for Stefanie's family! I used to read her blog a year or so ago, but frankly, it was ruining my quest for contentment, so I stopped. :) I will be praying for them.
Yes, quilt-n-mama! I have been sad to leave this little haven in the woods, but I'm looking forward to some adventures as well. In our NH home I can't wait to take a long bath in our big tub :)
ReplyDeleteOne Acre Follies, they sure could use our prayers.. So sad.