Friday, October 19, 2012

1st Grade Mornings/Ekaluokan aamuja


I have been pleased about our first grade homeschool this year. Little Miss is almost done with her first Hooked on Phonics program. (We have three more K/1st Grade books (kits) to go.)


She is so cute reading her little books, and we are all feeling so proud in her accomplishments!

Little Miss and I are also working on our Critical Thinking Company books. We finished one this week, but have a bunch more to work through. We still love these books!


We try to get our book work done every morning, but it doesn't always happen. And sometimes our book work is late in the afternoon, or even on a weekend. While I find structure helpful, the freedom and beauty in homeschooling allows creativity and flexibility. Which is really important in our crazy zany wild unpredictable spontaneous family. And we feel learning happens throughout the day, not just while we have our books open.


The first four pictures are from Wednesday morning, and the last one from yesterday. Little Miss did not have her heart in book work, so we only did a little bit of math. Instead, she spent a couple of hours with paper dolls. So much fun! Do kids still make their own paper dolls, and play with them? My sisters, cousins and I spent so many hours making paper dolls. Of course that was the time before computers at home, cell phones, iPads, and kids' programs on tv came on once a night.

Yesterday we also went to our local library for K-2 library club. Little Miss is slowly warming up to her peers, making friends and participating. Just as we are getting ready to get back on the road.. But we'll be back this winter!

Today we've done Hooked on Phonics and paper dolls, and now Little Miss is taking a break with Phineas and Ferb (keeping it real here), and after this one video we'll finish our book work for the day.

I honestly was a bit intimidated by teaching 1st grade (Kindergarten was mainly fun learning play here as Little Miss was not interested in school, and our older kids started homeschooling from grade 5), but I'm happy to report first grade has actually been very good so far. Little Miss is learning a lot, and we are still having fun!


Ekaluokan kuulumisia pähkinänkuoressa: yritämme saada koulutehtävät tehtyä aamuisin, mutta joinain aamuina siitä ei vain tule mitään. Joko yritämme uudestaan iltapäivällä, illalla tai jopa viikonloppuna, mutta oppimistahan tapahtuu koko ajan joka paikassa. Eilen aamulla Pikkuneidille oli tärkeämpää luova oppiminen: paperinukkejen teko ja niillä leikkiminen. Oi sitä iloa!! Eilen olimme mukana myös kirjaston kerhossa.

Meillä isot lapset aloittivat kotikoulun vasta viidennellä luokalla, joten olin aika epävarma aloittaessamme ekaa luokkaa, mutta ihan hyvin on mennyt, ja kivaakin on oppimisen lomassa:)


  1. I love those Critical Thinking books! So fun...and they really do help the kids learn to think through the puzzles (without getting to frustrated).

    Using a napkin for a paper doll's blanket is quite creative! Love it!

  2. Mahtava postaus. Ihana, ihanko oikeasti Anna jo lukee? Aivan ihmeellista.

    Tekeeko han nuo paperinuket pahvista? En saanut kuvista oikein selvaa, mutta kestaa paremmin leikkimista. Ja edellisessa sait jo lisaa vinkkia. Mina lisaan viela, etta kylla paperinuketkin voivat kayttaa kankaisia vaatteita. Eli liimaa kangasta paperin paalle.
    Tama postitus oli kylla arkistoinnin arvoinen.

  3. This is a great post. Glad you're enjoying 1st grade with your sweet girl! :)

  4. Jessy, I agree - great material!

    Äiti, ei Anna ihan kaikkea vielä lue, mutta näitä kirjoja kyllä, joita on nyt opetellut. Ja paperinuket liimattiin ohuelle pahville. Hyvä idea kankaista ja paperista vaatteita!! Kiitos<3

    Thank you, Heidi!
