Friday, February 18, 2011

Maine Points/Mainen osia

Our wonderful vacation is nearing the end. Tomorrow morning we pack up and head home. It has been a full and fun week.

We have enjoyed beautiful Maine scenery, discovered by snowmobiling.

One day of great skiing for the big kids on Saddleback Mountain. And one awesome sledding trip.

Lots of yummy food & special time with Grandma & Grandpa!!

Haircuts for the girls & fun time with friends!!

Games, games and games! (Check out our favorites here.) Today alone, we've played multiple rounds of Life, Mancala, Trouble, Go Fish & Sequence. And ping pong.

There was also a serious snowball fight Dads vs. Boys. Both sides claims they won.

As the fight ended and only one of the boys stayed outside, the ice from the cabin roof started falling. The first chunk fell right next to Mr. D. During dinner more chunks fell off the roof right outside the cabin door. The picture doesn't do justice - these chunks were large enough to do serious damage. We bowed our heads and thanked God for protecting us...

We have a lot to be thankful for.

I'm linking this post again to Sunday Snapshot.

Ni Hao Yall


Mahtava lomaviikkomme alkaa olla loppumassa. Huomenaamulla pakkaamme kamamme ja suuntaamme kotia kohti. Olemme nauttineet Mainen kauniista maisemista moottorikelkkareissuillamme. Yhtenä päivänä isot lapset kävivät laskettelemassa, ja toisena päivänä pojat menivät pulkkamäkeen. Olemme syöneet paljon hyvää ruokaa, viettäneet aikaa isovanhempien ja ystävien kanssa. Tytöt saivat uudet kampaukset. Olemme pelanneet paljon lempipelejämme, niin sisällä kuin ulkona. Ja tänään laitoimme kädet ristiin ja kiitimme Taivaan Isää suojelusenkeleistä kun suuret jäälohkareet putosivat vuokramökkimme katolta alas - juuri sinne, missä pojat ja isät olivat juuri leikkineet lumisotaa...

Paljon on syytä kiitollisuuteen.


  1. Hui, kyllä ne on valtavia, huomaa vasrinkin kun vertaa aidan kokoa edelliseen kuvaan. Onneksi kukaan ei jäänyt alle.

  2. Soile, hyvä verrata siihen edelliseen kuvaan! Minun piti lukita ovi aamulla ulkoapäin, ja just yläpuolella oli järkyttävä lohkare - nopeasti oli toimittava ja sit pois alta :)

  3. Great pics and great times. Looks like you guys had SO Much fun! All those snow mobile trails look amazing...but I have to admit...staying warm and cozy inside playing games is more my thing!

  4. Jen, I loved that we had a great mix of having fun outside, and staying warm inside. I was able to read 2 great books too (heaven)! One thing the cabin lacked was a sauna or a hot tub, so if we ever have our own cabin, it will definitely have one of those or both :-D

  5. WOW! It look beautiful!

    Amy @ Missional Mama

  6. Thank you, Amy - it really was gorgeous up in Northern Maine!

  7. We just had a delightful weekend with friends ourselves. Nothing like a little together time!
    And I've LOVED the time I've spent in Maine ~ in the summers... You guys made winter in northern Maine look fun.

  8. Kristi, I saw your blog post, looked like a wonderful get-together!
    We love exploring New England all year round (except maybe during mud season).
