Saturday, May 14, 2011


We sure love our player 28! A split knee kept him from most practices and games this week (yes, there is either a game or a practice or both every day except Saturday - especially since Mr. T plays both in middle school team and Little League), but yesterday Mr. T got the ok to play again. Which meant we left our house at ~2pm and were gone until ~9pm (middle school practice & Little League game). It made a long day, but player 28 played great and their team won! And Little Miss and I had a quick trip to the library and managed to get groceries also (have to take advantage of getting within 30 miles of a real grocery store - reality of living in the sticks!).


Rakkaalla pelaajallamme numero 28 aukesi polvi maanantaina, ja hän joutui missaamaan suurimman osan tämän viikon pesisharkoista ja peleistä (jep, joka päivälle on joko harkat tai peli tai molemmat, Mr. T pelaa yläasteen ja little league'n joukkueissa), mutta eilen Mr. T sai luvan pelata. Lähdimme kotoa kahden maissa ja tulimme takaisin vasta yhdeksältä illalla (yläasteen harkat ja little league peli). Pitkä päivä, mutta pelaajamme 28 pelasi hienosti ja heidän joukkueensa voitti. Pikkuneiti ja minä jopa käväisimme kirjastossa sekä ruokakaupassa (aina kannattaa käydä isossa ruokakaupassa jos pääsee puolen tunnin ajomatkan päähän - maalla asumisen iloja :).


  1. I have a question! LOL How do you resize your buttons (on your sidebar) smaller? Such as the ones for I Heart Homeschooling and Hip Homeschool Hop? I can't figure it out! LOL

  2. Jessy, I'm sorry I didn't get to your question sooner!! It's been nutty here. That is the size the buttons appeared when I added the code. Is yours showing up larger? I'm sorry I don't know how to re-size them :-/ I hope you figure it out!!
