Tuesday, May 3, 2011


yesterday/eilen (@ 3 pm)

@ 9 am today/tänään

@ 10 am

@ 11 am

@ 2 pm

@ 4 pm

@ 5 pm

@ 6 pm

@ 7 pm

Today our eyes have been riveted on the lake. More so than usual. In the morning there was a big rift in the ice, by the afternoon it seemed the ice was moving back to our shore. Sure enough - driving to the other side of the lake in the afternoon confirmed our suspicions: most of the lake seems to be ice-free, and the ice has arrived on our side of the lake. And we still have some snow in shady spots.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow looks like!


Tänään olemme tuijottaneet järveä enemmän kuin normaalisti. Jäät saapuivat 'meidän' puolelle järveä iltapäivällä, näemme että keskiosa on jo jäätön. En malta odottaa nähdä miltä huomenna järvi näyttää!


  1. it's really amaizing how water can change like that before your eyes huh? i witnessed it here too.

    thank you for the very kind comment you left today! i sure was looking forward to meeting you...maybe sometime! :)

  2. mountain mama, you're welcome! We do travel up and down East coast every year, maybe we can meet up in FL or GA some day :)
    This morning the ice is almost gone!!!

  3. Jäänäytelmä oli varmaan hienoa seurattavaa.

  4. Oli kyllä, Nurkkalintu! Melkein ikävä jäitä nyt :)
