Thursday, May 19, 2011

In New Hampshire/New Hampshiressä

Tuesday was a whirlwind day for us in Maine. We got up early to strip eight beds, fold camping cots, wash sheets and towels, re-make beds, finish packing, clean up rooms, empty fridge, go to the dump, pack up car. Everybody pitched in and did a fantastic job. The house/camp looked better than ever when we left! Then we squeezed into the Suburban and drove to our New Hampshire home (for hours and hours and hours - that's what it felt like, at least).

We were all a little sad to leave our nest in Maine, but oh the joy of arriving home Tuesday night! The house looked so beautiful as we've been having house showings (it didn't take long for the house to look err.. more lived in - we hope there are no potential buyers visiting the house this week :). Everyone was excited to sleep in their own beds and be reunited with their belongings. Yesterday was declared a no-school-day (no internet) and we all (except the Captain who had a conference to attend) enjoyed a quiet home day of playing and reading (and unpacking and laundry).

Earlier this week in Northern Maine we had daffodils blooming in our garden, and just the faintest green tint on birch trees. Weather for the most part was cold and rainy, but arriving a few hours South we discovered Spring! Tulips, lavender and bleeding hearts blossoming, green everywhere, and grass needing a cut! Rainy here too, but definitely Spring.

As soon as the rain stops, we have a special place to visit... Stay tuned :)


Työntäytteisen tiistain päätteeksi ajoimme New Hampshiren kotiimme. Vaikka oli haikea lähteä Mainestä, olikin todella kiva palata kotiin, nukkua omassa sängyssä ja ihastella kaunista kotiamme (siistissä kunnossa talonmyyntiä varten). Kevät on paljon pidemmällä täällä! Kunhan sade lakkaa, lähdemme erääseen rakkaaseen paikkaan vierailulle... Lisää myöhemmin :)


  1. Beautiful photos! We're still waiting for spring in Maine, huh? I see buds starting though! And the Bleeding Hearts are growing! If only the sun would come out and warm us up a bit!


  2. Thanks, Jessy! Actually all we needed to do was drive a hour South in Maine to see more of a Spring! I'd imagine it's about the same where you are and where we are now in NH.

  3. Absolutely breathtaking pics, girl! :) I know your gonna miss that shady lake cabin and the bat and all. ;) Just try to make the best of it.

  4. Thank you, Anna!! Yes, we'll miss it, especially in Florida temps...!! Fortunately we get to go back beginning of June <3
