Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Snapshot {Weekend Fun}

What is better than going to our favorite ice cream place?

Going there twice in two days, of course!! Both times we met friends, and yes, both times we got ice cream. Saturday was hot and beautiful, Sunday quite chilly, but still fun.

And I love how the boys are such great friends - and usually invite Little Miss and Missy to their games too, but wall ball can be a bit too active for my girls... :)

We had a great few days in New Hampshire!

Linking this post to Sunday Snapshot.

Sunday Snapshot


  1. ice cream x 2! how totally awesome! gotta say though i've never been to an ice cream place that looked like that! on your adventures i encourage you to have some of the best ice cream in the world - blue bell... and my personal favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough. just in case you were wondering, it can be found in texas & ok... and estes park, colorado. ;) p.s. if you get your hands on some, eat a bowl full for me!

  2. Ice cream is even better when it's twice in ONE day. My dad lived in Maine his last six years and when I'd go visit in the summer, we'd typically go twice a day. His reasoning ~ summer doesn't last long up north, better enjoy ice cream while you can!

  3. Thanks for the tip, jdavis2! I love ice cream & would happily eat it for you - you get the calories, right?! :) I'll have to try Blue Bell's choc chip cookie dough, yum!!

    Kristi, I love your dad's thinking on that one!! And I guess the same goes for New Hampshire :) And think of all that calcium!! :)
