Sunday, September 20, 2015

First Time at Ocean/Mei Mei merenrannalla!

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I had been waiting for this moment... Taking Mei Mei to the ocean for her first time ever. Finally, on Friday afternoon Little Miss and I packed up some beach toys, and drove the long distance of six minutes to the beach:)

Mei Mei comes from the province of Hubei in the middle of China, so we are pretty certain she had not been to the ocean, ever. We have missed many of her 'firsts' in her life, and really treasure each new experience we get to share with her.

Going to the beach for the first time is pretty special:)

I think she liked it!

At first Mei Mei seemed cautious and was taking it all in, then ventured out following Little Miss' lead.

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Once she got over the feeling of sand in her feet she got to work, digging and playing with the sand.

(In one of the above photos Mei Mei is signing 'water', as she would gaze at the ocean.)

I'm so glad Mei Mei enjoyed the beach. Little Miss and I love going to the ocean. When we lived in St. Pete we'd often grab our school books, and do our work sitting on a blanket, listening to waves crash ashore, taking little breaks to get wet, pick up shells and play with sand.

I think we'll be able to do that here, too:)

Unfortunately we couldn't stay very long, thunder clouds were threatening, and we actually got rained on before we left. Which was ok. Little Miss has had a cold this week, and Mei Mei and I have been fighting it, too.

We'll go back. Soon....! And maybe one of these times we'll go swimming, too:)


Mei Mein ensimmäinen kerta merenrannalla! Hän oli varovainen ja mietteliäs ensin, mutta sitten seurasi Pikkuneidin esimerkkiä ja uskaltautui rannalle. Ja nautti! Hiekka pikkasen vaivasi varpaita, mutta pian uskalsi lähteä kävelemään paljain jaloin. Uimaan emme menneet tällä kertaa, mutta Mei Mei viittoi 'vesi' minulle (yhdessä kuvassa ylhäällä) ja osoitti merta.

Pian ukkospilvet ja sade päätti meidän rantareissun, mutta aiomme mennä pian uudestaan! Ehkäpä joku aamu koulukirjojen ja hiekkalelujen kanssa.

Oli ihana kokea tämä ensimmäinen kokemus Mei Mein kanssa!

1 comment:

  1. Ihania beach kuvia suloisesta Ekaa Kertaa-tapahtumasta! Tänä vuonna en matkustakaan Miamiin, vaan Thanksgiving- vieraaksi Texasinn. Toinen kutsu - olen innoissani!
