Sunday, September 5, 2010

Prince Edward Island

Here are finally some pictures of Prince Edward Island. We took so many I had a hard time to finding a moment long enough to sit down and organize through them. PEI was as beautiful as we had expected, and we were thrilled to finally go visit!

One of our highlights was visiting the Cavendish Beach. It looked like there was a charge to enter the beach area during the day, but when we stopped by in the evening we were able to just drive in. We were pretty much the only people out there too! The weather wasn't the greatest, so we actually had cut our time there short and ended up skipping the nature walk on the boardwalks due to the down pour (other than walking to the beach & back). But we thought the foggy evening was fabulous and so beautiful!

We started watching Anne of Green Gables movies on this trip (a couple of our kids had never seen them before), so we thought visiting Avonlea Village would also be a good fit. Well - we must have missed something, or went in on a wrong day - there really wasn't much to see there. We probably should have visited the birthplace of L. M. Montgomery, or her relatives' house which was her inspiration for Green Gables, but we'll just save those for our next visit.

Overall we were a little disappointed at how touristy PEI was, or at least the Cavendish area where we were staying at the KOA campground. We drove past all these dinky 'attractions' & had a hard time finding a good grocery store or a restaurant. (Once we got to the Charlotte area we were able to find stores to stock up on supplies.) But as the whole, the island really was very beautiful!

At North Rustico

Wood Islands

Prince Edward Island has over 50 lighthouses (see a full list here). We only stopped at two, the North Rustico lighthouse and Wood Islands lighthouse. At North Rustico we walked around outside, and at Wood Island we paid a small fee to go tour the lighthouse & museum. While it was small, we all enjoyed our tour, and would recommend it to others.

From Wood Island lighthouse we hopped on the ferry to go to Nova Scotia. Good-bye, PEI! Our Nova Scotia adventures will continue in the next blog post.


Prinssi Edwardin saari oli yhtä kaunis ja upea kuin mitä odotimmekin. Cavendish-rannan punainen hiekka ja sumuinen ilta oli yksi reissumme kohokohdista. Tarkoituksenamme oli mennä iltakävelylle rannan puiselle jalkakäytävälle, mutta kaatosade pakotti meidät takaisin leirintäalueelle.

Vierailimme Avonlea Village'ssa tutustumassa Anna-kirjojen kirjoittajaan, ajanjaksoon ja Avonlea-kylään, mutta se oli pettymys. Liian pieni, turistimainen ja kallis, oletamme että parempi olisi käydä tutustumassa L. M. Montgomeryn syntymäkotiin, tai hänen sukulaistensa taloon, josta hän teki kirjoihin Annan Vihervaara-kodin. Ensi kerralla käymme vierailemassa näissä paikoissa :)

Viimeisenä päivänä kävimme kahdessa majakassa, saarella on kymmeniä majakoita, ja me poimimme kaksi matkan varrelta. North Rusticon majakkaan ei päässyt sisälle, mutta me kävelimme rannalla ja pysähdyimme syömään lounasta. Wood Islands majakalla pääsi sisälle ihan ylös asti, ja entisestä majakanvartijan asunnosta (rakennus osa majakkaa) oli tehty museo. Pieni, mutta mielenkiintoinen pysäkki!

Wood Island-majakan vierestä hyppäsimme autolauttaan, ja matkamme jatkuu seuraavassa postauksessa Nova Scotiassa!

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