Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flag Football/Lippupallo

What a great game! It ended up as a tie game.

We have a very happy boy today. Mr. T is the sports fanatic of our (non-sporty) family. He would sign up for every sport, preferably a team sport, if he was allowed. And he would love it! He would thrive on the schedule of going from practice to game to practice to game without stopping. His parents, on the other hand, really appreciate quiet home days, family dinners & free weekends to go mothershipping or doing any other spur-of-the-moment things (like going to Canada at a moment's notice - read more here and here) that a sport schedule would typically not allow.

Mr. T has been rooting to play football for a while now (several years, I think?), and we moan and groan and find a reason why he can't yet. This Fall, again, he approached us about it, and to show we are making an effort, I sent out an email to our local homeschool group to find out if there is a team he could join (confession: I was really hoping it was too late to join). One family told us about a flag football team that has a once a week practice, followed by a game - for 8 weeks (we missed the first one, so six more Saturdays to go!), which sounded totally doable, so we signed him up!

Today was the first practice & game for him, and he loved every moment of it! He is still dreaming of being a running back (or wide receiver) for Chicago Bears, but for now, he is happy with flag football, and so is mom.


Tänään oli ensimmäiset lippupalloharkat ja peli meidän perheen onnelliselle sporttipojallemme. Hän on jo kauan halunnut pelata amerikkalaista futista, mutta emme ole vielä suostuneet (intensiivinen urheilulaji, paljon harkkoja, mahdollisia vammoja). Täältä Floridasta löytyi lippupallojoukkue, johon poika pääsi pelaamaan (vaikka missasi ekan kerran). Vielä kuusi viikkoa pelaamista, harkat ja peli yhtenä päivänä viikossa. Lippupallossa ei taklata, joten turvallisempi laji myös! Kaikki olemme tyytyväisiä :) Poika vielä pelasi loistavasti, ja peli päättyi tasapeliin.


  1. So cool for Mr. T!! Braiden is asking about soccer...... groan.
    But anyways, sorry for my lack of commenting. I've been lazy!!! Or, actually, one-handed on the computer. Doesn't make for fun typing.

  2. No worries, I understand :)

    Have you looked into anything for him? Don't rush it though... They'll be plenty of years ahead.. :)

    This organization actually has a group for 4-yr-olds too, but fortunately Little Miss doesn't want to do anything yet :-D
    But, I do feel bad that Mr. D & Mr. A didn't sign up, they would have enjoyed this too! I'm bringing them next week so next time around they'll sign up too.

  3. I haven't found anything that doesn't involve Sat morning games. ;-)

    We might try again for the spring, and see if B & N can do something together. But... I did talk to a mom today who does some kind of homeschool PE group once a week with her kids. The conversation got cut off but I'm gonna try to find out more!

    Ever since we moved, B has wanted to be VERY social and independent. So I think he would love to do something...

  4. Sounds neat! Keep me posted! And, my thinking about hs'ing has evolved.. Ask me next time we talk, I have new ideas :)

  5. Cool!! Call me tomorrow, I'll probably be home all day!
