Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Little Miss is so lucky to have three awesome big brothers and one older sister! Here is Mr. A teaching her how to boogie board, and taking her along for the waves. (Fantastic PE classes, we have here!! ;)

We've had more waves these past few days (nothing like Surfside on Nantucket, mind you, but enough waves to bring out the boogie boards for some wave fun), so we've been taking mid-day breaks to go to the beach, just about every day.

Mr. A was so patient with Little Miss and took great care! Mom even read a chapter or two on the beach in between swimming. {Heaven!}

WooHoo!!! High fives!!!! And, "Let's do that again!"


Viikonloppuna ja sen jälkeen on ollut enemmän aaltoja, ja vaikkei ne ole lähellekään itärannikon aaltoja, lapsilla on ollut hauskaa lainelautojensa kanssa. Videossa ja kuvissa on pikkuneiti A-veljen kanssa, veli oli niin suloisen huolehtiva ja molemmat niin nauttivat! Uudestaan ja uudestaan! Ja joka päivä! Hyviä jumppatunteja kotikoululaisille :)