Saturday, January 21, 2012

More Kindergarten/Lisää eskarijuttuja


A few more collages from our visit to my sister's. You can find our earlier ones about short words and snowmen crafts here.

Picnik collage

We had all kinds of school fun with our two 5-year olds, a 4-year old and a toddler. Well, the toddler didn't exactly help with school, but with her cuteness she made everything fun - even messes and mayhem ;-)


Art projects were a big hit, as well a wooden Bingo game, and Melissa & Doug word puzzles and magnetic pattern blocks. So many ways to have fun and learn at the same time!

Almost every day Little Miss asks to do school on the computer, too. Her newest favorite is K5Learning, and she also enjoys and We used Explode the Code online for a little while, and while I thought it was excellent, sadly Little Miss has lost her interest in it.

I have started looking into various first grade curricula for next year, and would love input and suggestions - it would be excellent if our curriculum traveled well, as we plan to be on the road again half the year. Thank you!!

Sunday Snapshot


Lisää näitä eskarijuttuja siskon luota - siskolla on upeita kouluaskareita. Kuten kollaaseista näkee, meidän pikku koululaisilla oli oikein hauskaa leikkiessään ja oppiessaan samalla:)


  1. It was so much fun to do school together! We miss you soooo much!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oi, mitä kaikkia ihanuuksia siellä syntyi! Ilo ja riemu ja tyytyväisyys loisti kasvoilta! Ellie mausteena mukana!
    Ei se ennen opiskelu aivan noin hauskalta tuntunut eikä näkynyt !!

  3. .... siis muori jutteli yllä :) !

  4. Oli kyllä Annan (ja minun) paras eskariviikko tähän saakka <3

  5. Your blog is so fun!! I look most Sundays, but never comment. Have you ever traveled out to the pacific northwest?

  6. Thanks, funks:) I answered on your blog, but do hope to make it to pacific northwest one of these years with the Mothership!!

  7. I LOVE the finger-painting pictures. They are really beautiful!! And thanks for the words on night terrors. It's nice to know that someone else knows what we are going through. I've been doing some research online, so I hope to have a better idea what's going on soon! xoxo!

  8. Thank you, Brooke! I hope your son's phase with night terrors is a short one.. xoxo
