Monday, April 7, 2014

Lovely Spring Days/Kauniita kevätpäiviä

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This is April. In Maine.

As you can see, spring has finally sprung in Maine, also. No sign of crocuses or flip-flops. Instead, we get mud. (Wait until you see a picture of our driveway - hopefully posted tomorrow.)

Yesterday we decided to take our sleds out one more time, and enjoy the warm temps of 34-35F.

Some of the trails were great!

Some, not so much.

But the views were gorgeous, all the time.

To our disappointment our lunch destination was closed (see the granola bar in my hand?). Not only that, but the expected bathroom facilities were closed as well.

All in all, we had a great ride, and a wonderful snowmobile season. Our sleds are now waiting for next year, and we are ready for more mud warmer temperatures.

**** Edit: Forgot to add this video link that shows Little Miss taking off on lake. She loves it!


Meillä on täällä pohjoisessa vieläkin näin paljon lunta. Kävimme eilen viimeisellä moottorikelkkareissulla. Kivaa oli, joskin osa reiteistä oli aika könkköistä, ja lounaspaikkamme (ja vessa!) oli jo suljettu. Kaunis päivä ja reissu kuitenkin:)

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