Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Missy's Adventures in Finland/Missyn seikkailuja Suomessa

Missy has been in Finland for about twelve weeks or 88 days or 2112 hours (not that I've been keeping count or anything...). She is so missed. But it helps to know she is having a wonderful time.

She has been working hard on homeschool (she can work on her Monarch lessons online, and I can grade her work half a world away), Finnish lessons and her arts and crafts (look for a separate post on her art), but a couple of weeks ago she had a fun adventure during winter break.

Missy and my parents escaped to the country for a few days.

Earlier this winter a huge storm had come through, uprooting many trees. There was a big one down on the island of Onkikallio. (Summer views here.)

Missy headed out with the awesome Finnish potkukelkka (kick sled).

And yes, it is as fun as it looks:)

Vaari (grandpa) was sent back to get ice skates, and Muori (grandma) and Missy had enjoyed many hours on ice.

I think that one white dot is a joutsen (swan)?!

Looks like she had a wonderful winter break! Thank you for the photos, Muori and Vaari! And thank you for taking such a good care of our sweet girl.

As I had posted in an earlier update, Missy really had wanted to stay longer than three months. On Friday we extended her stay for two more months. Simultaneously there was a great rejoicing in one place, and long, sad faces in another.

Five months is a long time. We are looking forward to our June reunion!


Hiihtolomalla Missy lähti vanhempieni kanssa maalle (tai oikeastaan metsään:) muutamaksi päiväksi. Sieltä näitä kovin eksoottisia kuvia blogiin, kiitos paljon äidille ja isälle - kuin myös hyvästä huolenpidosta!!

Missy on viihtynyt Suomessa niin hyvin, että hän sai sitä pyytämäänsä lisäaikaa. Perjantaina jatkoimme Suomen aikaa kahdella kuukaudella, niin vaikeaa, kuin se äidille olikin. Rakasta on ikävä. Mutta kesäkuussa sitten nähdään!


  1. While there are days I wish I could ship them to Finland, I can't imagine actually doing it for sooo long! You are a good mom, I'm sure this is a great time for her. How is Little Miss handling it? (sharron)

  2. Oi miten ihania muistoja tuosta ajasta neidille jää ;)


  3. Ihania kuvia! Ja nuo elamykset ja aika isovanhempien kanssa on kuin rahaa pankkiin pistaisi. Vaikka ikava kaihertaa niin pian on jo kesakuu!

  4. Sharron, she takes it pretty hard. Good thing the boys are still home! They are great with Little Miss.

    Anita, todella! Kyllä tämä aika on ollut monella lailla siunaukseksi Missylle<3

    Näin on, Ina!
