Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Great Melt Has Began/Sulamista

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Every night the temps have still been below freezing, so the driveway is not yet at its' worst (we hope to be far, far away at that point). But it is muddy.

(And that mud is tracking in every day. Good thing we have a mudroom.)

This fella appeared on our yard yesterday. Very handsome!

But this morning he was found without a nose, eyes, mouth, hair and buttons. Looking quite sad.

Despite the mud, the kids are outside every day. Shedding clothes quickly. That 36F is feeling balmy hot in Maine after a few snow balls!

A few days ago we were watching a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker dining in our yard, too! Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers are a part of the Woodpecker family. He (identified as a male by his red throat) drills holes in thin bark, sucks sap and eats insects drawn to sap. We think this one is well fed:)


Check out some photos from our first April in Maine (look how little the kids were!). Spring in Maine really is a whole different animal. I just checked the forecast, too - more snow promised:)


Kyllä se kevät on meillekin tänne pohjoiseen tullut. Lumi sulaa, sulaa, sulaa. Toiveena on, että pääsisimme lähtemään etelään ennen kuin pihatie muuttuu ihan mutavelliksi. Nyt on yöt vielä pakkasella, eli vaikka mutaa löytyy niin pihasta kuin sisältäkin (ugh), ei se vielä pahimmillaan ole. Loppulinkistä löytyy kuvia meidän ensimmäisestä keväästä täällä Mainessä kolme vuotta sitten. Kuinka pieniä lapset olivatkaan! Niin, ja lisää lunta on luvattu loppuviikolle:)

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