Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Nantucket Beach Day/Rantapäivä saarella

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In the midst of our Nantucket work week, we got a beach day yesterday! The only day for us to sneak away, and it turned out to be a gorgeous, sunny day (thank you, God!). We loaded the kids into Grandpa's Grand Willys, and off we went!

Yesterday we chose to go to a calmer beach on the northern shore (usually the big kids talk us into one of the south shore beaches, as the surf is heavier there, like Tom Nevers). It was perfect.

The Captain is a pro behind the wheel, whether he is driving the Mothership or off-roading on the beach:)

Truly heavenly. So needed.

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Missy and Mr D loved laying on the blanket, reading (I got half way done with my book, as well.). Little Miss is the luckiest little sister having Mr A and Mr T digging in the sand with her.

And the Captain? He brought his mobile office with him, and I have a feeling his customers had no idea where he was working from:)

We left the beach feeling rejuvenated and happy. Thankful.


Meillä on työviikko meneillään Nantucketin saarella, mutta eilen livahdimme rannalle. Siis niin ihanaa, ja tuli tarpeeseen. Luimme kirjoja, leikimme hiekassa ja meressä, ja Kapteeni sai tehtyä töitäkin autosta käsin. Saimme palata rannalta onnellisina ja rentoutuneina!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Model T Museum in Richmond, Indiana

Richmond, Indiana, is right off the highway I-70, east of Indianapolis, near Ohio and Indiana border. During our stay in Indiana we discovered there is a lot to see in Richmond!

We met our Indiana friends at the Model T Museum. It's a small, but wonderful museum. Especially all my boys (including the Captain) enjoyed it. I have to admit I was a little preoccupied visiting with my friend, but I, too, enjoyed walking around and seeing these old beauties.

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The museum is located in downtown Richmond, Indiana, in the Depot District. There were a lot of cool buildings nearby. The museum has a small admission fee ($3/adult, under 12 free), and they were open on Sunday until 5 pm.

Loved the paintings on the buildings!

The museum is pretty much a one room museum, but it was packed. It is ranked #1 Richmond attraction on Tripadvisor.

We found these snowmobiles fascinating! They sure have come a long way...

This old firetruck was a gorgeous!

Lucky us (another blessing on this trip!), as we arrived at the museum, all these Model Ts started driving in! Turns out there was a club meeting that night! We thought the parking lot was just as interesting as the little museum!

Off they go, to have dinner.

Making a stop-over at the Model T Museum sure is worth it. Afterward, go have dinner at Clara's Pizza King!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Black & White

Day Five at RV Service Center: These black and white images coincide with the news (again) our Mothership wasn't going to be ready that day. Despite her pouty face, we really were fine. And so was she.

As you can see, she can be a little bit of a drama queen ham in front of the camera:)

And last one in color:

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I couldn't resist posting this one:)

As I am writing this (Thursday afternoon), we are actually leaving. The Mothership is ready, and the road is calling!


Meidän dramaattinen Pikkuneitimme poseerasi minulle keskiviikkoillalla. Olimme juuri kuulleet, ettemme pääse vieläkään lähtemään, mutta ei meillä ollut mitään hätää. Menimme vielä pizzalle uusien ystävien kanssa, ja nyt kun olen tätä kirjoittamassa (torstai-iltapäivällä), olemme juuri lähdössä. Mothership on valmis ja tie kutsuu!