Thursday, July 3, 2014

June Work/Kesäkuun töitä

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Oh, June. You whizzed by, yet left a ton of evidence behind. It sure was a work month for us. From the moment we arrived in Maine, the working, cleaning and organizing started. Inside and outside. Many hands, fortunately. A lot was accomplished. (Which feels and looks great!)

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Everybody worked hard. Remember this note (scroll down to the bottom)? (It didn't help.)

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Our kitchen (and the rest of the camp) got more finishing touches.
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The dock and the buoy were put in.

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And then there was is school. Some of my students still haven't finished. We're close, very, very close, but need a little more time.

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We tried hard to make work fun. We kept K-Love playing in the background, and often had to take cookie coffee breaks to get a second wind. Which meant we had to keep fresh snacks at hand.

Which was not a problem. At all:)


Kesäkuussa ei ollut paljon aikaa bloggaamiseen. Mainessä riitti työt niin sisällä kuin ulkona. Ja valmista jälkeä tuli, kun kaikki auttoivat. Kotikoulu jatkui (ja jatkuu). Onneksi keksikahvitauot antoivat virtaa:)


  1. Kylla varmasti kaikki tyo oli sen arvoista ja monet kadet tekemassa on todellakin upea asia. :) Teilla on ihana paikka!

  2. Kiitos, Ina! On todella hyvä tunne, kun alkaa tulla valmista. Vielä jäi töitä elokuulle, mutta suurin osa on nyt tehty. Vähän on vielä haaveissakin (kuten se sauna...!)..
