Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Week at Airsteam/Viikko Airstream-tehtaalla

A week ago Monday morning our Mothership moved into Bay 33. We had scheduled (back in April) an appointment to fix a short in the electrical system, and take care of some little odds and ends.

While in Bay 33 the Captain decided to upgrade our 30 amp service to 50 amps. It would let us run both air conditioners at the same time, which is much needed in hot times of our travel.

That meant we had to move out. There would be no electricity in the rig while it was being worked on.

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Look at that cute little Bambi! At least our Mothership was in good company!

During day time we made ourselves comfortable in the Airstream service lobby. On Monday they had a customer appreciation day and we were served free lunch! We also enjoyed their hot chocolate/coffee machine and microwave. Two mornings we showed up with breakfast, and had it right there.

On Monday when we realized we needed to evacuate the Mothership, we started looking for a rental car and hotel. Getting a night in a hotel was no problem, but the only rental car company that would pick us up, did not have a vehicle big enough for us. Finally we decided we just would rent a sedan and take two trips to the hotel, when just as the Captain was talking to Enterprise a second time, their Suburban was returned (late)! The kind folks at Enterprise picked us up from Airstream, and we spent our first night in the hotel.

In the morning we tried to reserve the room for the second night, as we had realized the Mothership would not be ready on Tuesday. The hotel was sold out with a waiting list. We weren't panicking, God had been taking such good care of us this trip, and so, as we were ready to pack the car, the front desk called to tell us we could still have the room if we wanted. Oh, yes we did! Thank You, God!

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Beautiful Ohio!

Wednesday came, and the Mothership still wasn't going to be ready. We actually had a really fun field trip to a Bicycle Museum (which will be a blog post of its' own). We called the hotel, but no room at their inn. In fact, we called about ten hotels, and all were sold out. Again, we knew God wasn't going to fail us, and finally we found a hotel with one room available. And it was a nice one. Plenty of room for us, great pool time in the evening, hot breakfast, internet, and a coin laundry!

Thursday morning we got a phone call. The Captain's grandmother, our beloved Nanny, had passed away. It wasn't unexpected, but still sad. We miss her. We had a quiet day. At Airstream the kids worked on school, read books and played games. We were able to sleep in our Mothership that night at the Airstream Terraport.

On Friday we finally left Jackson Center.

And that, was the start of more unexpected troubles and blessings.

Stay tuned for more...


Vietimme viime viikon Airstream tehtaan huoltopuolella. Maanantaina Kapteeni päätti, että teemme isomman sähköremontin asuntoautoon, mikä tarkoitti sitä, että meidän piti pakata laukut, ja löytää hotelli, koska asuntoautossa ei toimisi sähköt remontin aikana. Hotellin saimme heti, mutta tarpeeksi isoa vuokra-autoa ei meinannut löytyä. Loppujen lopuksi Kapteeni soitti takaisin autovuokraamoon, hän olisi vuokrannut pienen auton, ja olisimme tehneet kaksi reissua hotelliin, kun juuri silloin, autovuokraamon Suburban oli palautettu myöhässä. He hakivat meidät, ja niin meillä oli tarpeeksi iso auto koko perheelle viikon ajaksi.

Tokaksi ja kolmanneksi yöksi ei taas meinannut löytyä hotellia, mutta aina Jumala järjesti asiat viime hetkellä, meidän ei tarvinnut huolestua, tiesimme, että Hän pitää meistä hyvää huolta. Ja niin pitikin.

Torstaiaamulla saimme surullisen soiton: Kapteenin isoäiti oli kuollut aamuyöstä. Tiesimme, että se pian tapahtuisi, mutta oli se silti vaikea kuulla. Meidän on häntä ikävä. Torstai oli hiljainen päivä.
Yön saimme nukuttua asuntoautossa, vaikka se menikin takaisin huoltoon perjantaina.

Perjantai-iltapäivällä pääsimme matkaan taas, ja toisessa blogipostauksessa saatte kuulla mitä kaikkea vaikeuksia ja siunauksia saimme kokea...