(See also year 2011, and year 2012.)

We started the new year in Maine. My mom was here from Finland, but soon left for my sister's house in Virginia. The Captain's parents came to help us with camp renovations and clean-up, and a little later came back for snowmobiling with friends. (First snowmobiling of the year blog post here.)
Mr. T left for Finland! To spend time with my parents and family, and to study Finnish. (You can read about his adventures here, here and here.)
Our Maine cousins came to spend a fun weekend with us. (Oh, how we missed Mr. T!)

On weekends friends from New Hampshire came to visit and snowmobile with us. I spent a couple of days in southern Maine with the Captain's grandmother, then flew down to Virginia (alone!), only to drive back to Maine with my sister and her four children. (Are you exhausted from just reading that?) Our Virginia cousins loved all the snow!
Despite being wicked cold, Mr. A and Mr. D spent a night outside camping in subzero temps! Our three teens (still missing Mr. T!) also attended a weekend teen camp here in Maine.
We also did a lot of snowshoeing (here, here and here).

Little Miss turned seven years old! We had a fun party for her with cousins and friends. We spent Easter at our camp, but after Easter the Captain and I had a great little trip to Phoenix, Arizona. We loved Desert Botanical Gardens.
March was a good homeschooling month, we got a lot done. Little Miss reviewed Kiwi Crate, and we ended up subscribing to it - great easy crafts every month!

Oh, April. We crammed SO much into April. April still had ice and snow up in Maine, and we started planning our departure. First the girls had dance recitals, and our three (!) teens attended a cartoon workshop with a friend.
Mr. T was also gearing up his return to USA. I interviewed him about his time in Finland, and posted photos of his adventures. What a neat experience!
Finally it was time to pick Mr. T up from the airport, and we directly continued on to Connecticut, Pennsylvania (read here about our stay in Lancaster area), and Virginia, with many, many, disgusting adventures (a must read blog post). In Virginia we did a field trip to Jamestown.
From Virginia we drove to Florida, and continued having (mis)adventures as our beloved Mothership struggled on. We were so thankful when we finally made it to Florida!

The timing was incredible: the Mothership needed all kinds of work done on it, and we were able to drop it off at the mechanic the day we got keys to our rental house (thank You, God!).
We enjoyed a glorious month near the beach, still homeschooling, but also building a lot of sandcastles. Little Miss learned to swim! We met our new online friends, the Frolicking Flamingos (who are coming up to Maine next month!).
Middle of the month to our great shock we discovered I was pregnant. (Here's our announcement from June.)
In May we also attended FPEA homeschool conference at Gaylord Palms in Orlando, which was fantastic, as usual. (Photo collage above.)
Before starting our travels again, (some of us) we had a lovely visit to Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg.

June first we were on the road again, in all-fixed-up Mothership. We had smooth travels north, with quick Virginia and Pennsylvania pit stops. Missy had been struggling with Lyme disease, and we found a specialist in Pennsylvania to oversee her care.
The kids and I stopped in Boston Science Museum to see Dead Sea Scrolls on our way to grandparents' house (while the Captain had a men's weekend on Nantucket Island).
We had a short visit to our Maine camp (where Little Miss learned to ride her bike without training wheels!) before traveling to Cape Cod and Nantucket Island for our annual family visit.

Fourth of July is always such fun on Nantucket! Here's some randomness from our time on the island, as well as photos from Tom Nevers beach and Nantucket Shipwreck and Lifesaving Museum. Time with family is so precious!
Sadly, I miscarried while on the island. As unexpected as the pregnancy was, losing the baby has been something I am very sad about, still. Trusting my God even in difficulties and disappointments. He is good! All the time.
The Captain, two kids and I returned to our camp to start preparing it for rentals. We were able to rent it for two plus weeks, but there was a lot to do to get ready. Our other three kids soon returned from Nantucket to help us, as well as our Pennsylvania friends. Thanks, guys!!!
Missy started homeschooling in July, the rest of waited until early September.
Since had been over four years since I had been to Finland, and almost as long since I had seen my dad, Little Miss and I used our frequent flyer miles and flew to Finland for almost two weeks! We enjoyed a quiet vacation with my parents at their cabin. The rest of the family went to Nantucket to spend a week with the Captain's parents, grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousins, and after that stayed in the Mothership in New Hampshire for a week.

Some of July's travels stretched into August, as well as our camp rental. But as soon as folks left our camp, we returned to enjoy Maine summer and vacation before school and travel started.
We especially loved blueberry picking, swimming, sailing, hiking and kayaking. We also had friends over, and some of our friends decided to check out the 'local' hospital by having their son have an appendectomy.
Our relatively quieter month was so needed, as...
... was crazy!

We spent a couple of (busy) days with the Captain's parents before flying to Florida. Since we had rented a house in Florida, we decided not to bring the Mothership this time. Not sure why, but we tend to make things complicated. Even flying to Florida. You can read about our crazies here.
When we got to our rental house, we had a day to get ready before our homeschool co-op started. That was the official start of our homeschool year. Four high schoolers and one 2nd grader! You can read about our curriculum choices here, and see our school year pictures here (which was my homework from the photography class I was taking).
When in Florida, there are so many activities for our kids to be involved in. We tried hard not to over-schedule our weeks, but we sure were busy. Mr. A and Mr. T started a homeschool film making class, and all our teens loved youth group at our church.
We started our homeschool field trips, too. We visited the Tampa Science Museum, The Great Exploration (children's museum) in St Petersburg, and visited Winter (from The Dolphin Tale movie) at Clearwater Marine Aquarium. The Captain took some of the kids to see Super Boat Races 2013 in Clearwater.
The Captain and I loved our almost daily walks on the beach, and saw some incredible sunrises and sunsets. Mr. D, Little Miss and I swam with the manatees one day!

October was filled with more homeschool activities. Little Miss and I worked on Dew Learning lessons, and the teens worked on their Monarch lessons. We took one week off from school work to visit Legoland, Sunken Gardens, Great Explorations, Florida Aquarium and Clearwater Marine Aquarium (again). The boys started flag football on Saturdays through our church. On Halloween we walked around a nearby neighborhood with friends, and had such a fun time.
On one of our walks the Captain and I happened to come upon loggerhead turtles hatching and being released - an amazing experience!

Our last three weeks in Florida we finished our co-op classes, and had to leave early from film making and flag football. Little Miss had weekly play dates with friends, and one week the kids got to walk our neighbor's dog - a highlight for especially Little Miss!
A whale beached on a nearby beach, so we took a trip to see this magnificent creature. Unfortunately the whale had to be euthanized.
Our last Florida field trip was to Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo.
Then it was time to leave Florida. We flew to Virginia to spend Thanksgiving at my sister's house. Surprisingly it was freezing in Virginia! Preparing us for Maine, haha.. We had a lovely walk at Windsor Castle Park, and also visited Busch Gardens Christmas Town.

Before we left Virginia, we had a great couple of days at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. And before arriving back at our Maine camp, we had a lovely visit with the Captain's family.
Maine was already very cold when we finally arrived at our destination, but we got to watch the lake freeze and ice over, which is always magnificent. There was little snow, but soon everything was covered in snow and ice.
We had so much fun preparing our camp and our hearts for Christmas season, despite our Christmas tree falling over multiple times (argh!).
The Captain's parents, grandmother, aunt and uncle visited us, and right before Christmas my sister, her family, and our dad arrived to spend the holiday with us in Maine. We also celebrated Little Miss' Gotcha Day, the teens' 15th birthday & Little Miss' Adoption Day (all in the same day!), as well as my birthday. What a wonderful Christmas time, full of joy!
Yes, another full, full year. We pray for a Happy and Blessed New Year 2014 to all our readers! Thank you for following along our adventures!
Praying God's love shines bright
in your new year
and His blessings overflow.
God has POURED OUT His love into our hearts.
Romans 5:5
(From DaySpring.com)